Targeted resurrection of chromosomal arm 1RS in two elite wheat lines with 1BL/1RS translocation for improved end-use quality


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1BL/1RS translocation is widely used around the world to enhance wheat yield potential, resistance to various diseases, and adaptation. However, the translocation is combined with inherent quality problems associated with reduced dough strength and dough stickiness due to the presence of Sec-1 on proximal end and absence of GluB3/GliB1 on distal end. Two NILs, one carrying the distal (1RSRW) and the other carrying the proximal (1RSWR) fragment from 1BS, in background of Pavon were used for transferring these two loci in yellow rust resistant version of two elite wheat varieties PBW550+ Yr5 and DBW17+ Yr5 . Foreground and background marker assisted selection was done for the Sec-1- and GluB3 + alongwith Lr26/Yr9/Sr31 , Pm8 and 1RS loci in the advancing generation. BC2F5:6 NILs with absence of Secalin and presence of GluB3/GliB1 loci were evaluated for two years in replicated yield trial. A positive correlation of thousand grain weight (TGW), harvest index (HI), and tiller number per meter (TNpM) with yield (YD) with significant GxE effect was observed. Further multivariate analysis of these traits contributed maximum to the effective yield. Thirty promising NILs were identified with Sec-1-/GluB3+ alongwith with high yield contributing parameters. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
chromosomal arm,elite wheat lines,targeted resurrection,end-use
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