Scaling up to meet new challenges of brain and behaviour through deep brain electrophysiology in freely moving sheep


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While rodents are arguably the easiest animals to use for studying brain function, relying on them as model species for translational research comes with its own sets of limitations. Here, we propose sheep as a practical large animal species for in vivo brain function studies performed in naturalistic settings. To demonstrate their experimental usefulness, we performed proof-of-principle deep brain electrophysiological recording experiments from unrestrained sheep. Recordings were made from cortex and hippocampus both whilst sheep performed goal-directed behaviours (two-choice discrimination tasks), and across states of vigilance that included natural sleep. Hippocampal and cortical oscillatory rhythms were consistent with those seen in rodents and non-human primates, and included cortical alpha oscillations during immobility, hippocampal theta oscillations (5-6Hz) during locomotion and hippocampal sharp wave ripple oscillations (∼150 Hz) during immobility. Moreover, we found clear examples of neurons whose activity was modulated by task, speed of locomotion, spatial position, reward and vigilance states. Recordings were conducted over a period of many months. Due to the exceptional stability of individual electrodes we were able to record from some neurons repeatedly across the span of a month. Together these experiments demonstrate that sheep are an excellent experimental animal model to use in longitudinal electrophysiological and imaging studies, particularly those requiring a large brained mammal, large scale recordings across distributed neuronal networks, experimentation outside the confounds of the traditional laboratory, or all the above concomitantly. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
deep brain electrophysiology,sheep,scaling
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