The role of Musashi-1 in CEP290 c.2991+1655A>G cryptic exon splicing in Leber Congenital Amaurosis


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Human photoreceptors maximise alternative exon splicing to generate a unique set of gene isoforms. Conversely, the inclusion of a cryptic exon caused by the c.2991+1655A>G deep intronic change in CEP290 occurs in the human retina leading to Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA10). The RNA-binding protein Musashi-1 (MSI1) is a key component of alternative splicing in the developing mouse retina. Here we investigated the role of MSI1 in human photoreceptor-specific splicing and its potential role in CEP290 aberrant splicing disease. Alternative splicing was studied using human induced pluripotent stem cell derived 3D retinal organoid and RPE RNA-seq datasets and several photoreceptor gene isoforms were identified. Their temporal expression was resolved in control 3D retinal organoids in comparison to development and differentiation markers. Morpholino knockdown of MSI1 in control retinal organoids reduced the expression of several photoreceptor differentiation markers and the inclusion of photoreceptor-specific exons. Nonetheless, MSI1 knockdown in homozygous CEP290 c.2991+1655A>G LCA10 retinal organoids did not affect the inclusion of the LCA10-associated cryptic exon. These results show that while MSI1 is important for photoreceptor alternative splicing and homeostasis, it is not a major driver of the recognition of the CEP290 cryptic splice site and the manifestation of LCA10. HIGHLIGHTS ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
cryptic exon splicing
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