
When development is constantly but weakly perturbed - Canalization by microRNAs

Molecular Biology and Evolution(2021)

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Recent studies have increasingly pointed to microRNAs (miRNAs) as the agent of GRN (gene regulatory network) stabilization as well as developmental canalization against constant but small environmental perturbations. Since the complete removal of miRNAs is lethal, we construct a Dicer-1 knockdown line ( dcr - 1 KD) in Drosophila that modestly reduces all miRNAs. We hypothesize that flies with modest miRNA reductions will gradually deviate from the developmental norm, resulting in late-stage failures such as shortened longevity. In the optimal culture condition, the survival to adulthood is indeed normal in the dcr - 1 KD line but, importantly, adult longevity is reduced by ∼ 90%. When flies are stressed by high temperature, dcr - 1 KD induces lethality earlier in late pupation and, as the perturbations are shifted earlier, the affected stages are shifted correspondingly. We further show that the developmental failure is associated with GRN aberration in the larval stages even before phenotypic aberrations become observable. Hence, in late stages of development with deviations piling up, GRN would be increasingly in need of stabilization. In conclusion, miRNAs appear to be the genome’s solution to weak but constant environmental perturbations. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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