Programmable mammalian translational modulators by CRISPR-associated proteins


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The complexity of synthetic genetic circuits relies on repertories of biological circuitry with high orthogonality. Although post-transcriptional circuitry relying on RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) qualifies as a repertory, the limited pool of regulatory devices hinders network modularity and scalability. Here we propose CaRTRIDGE (Cas-Responsive Translational Regulation Integratable into Diverse Genomic Engineering) to repurpose CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins as translational modulators. We demonstrate that a set of Cas proteins are able to repress (OFF) or activate (ON) the translation of mRNAs that contain a Cas-binding RNA motif in the 5’-UTR. We designed 81 different types of translation OFF and ON switches and verified their functional characteristics. Many of them functioned as efficient translational regulators and showed orthogonality in mammalian cells. By interconnecting these switches, we designed and built artificial circuits, including 60 translational AND gates. Moreover, we show that various CRISPR-related technologies, including anti-CRISPR and split-Cas9 platforms, can be repurposed to control translation. Our Cas-mediated translational regulation is compatible with transcriptional regulation by Cas proteins and increases the complexity of synthetic circuits with fewer elements. CaRTRIDGE builds protein-responsive mRNA switches more than ever and leads to the development of both Cas-mediated genome editing and translational regulation technologies. ### Competing Interest Statement H.S. is an outside director of aceRNA Technologies, Co., Ltd.
programmable mammalian translational modulators,proteins,crispr-associated
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