Diet-derived metabolites and mucus link the gut microbiome to fever after cytotoxic cancer treatment


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Not all cancer patients with severe neutropenia develop fever, and the fecal microbiome may play a role. In neutropenic hematopoietic cell transplant patients (n=119), 63 (53%) developed a subsequent fever and had increased fecal Akkermansia muciniphila , a mucus-degrading bacteria (p=0.006, corrected for multiple comparisons). In mouse models, two therapies, irradiation and melphalan, similarly expanded A. muciniphila . Dietary restriction of unirradiated mice also expanded A. muciniphila and thinned the colonic mucus layer. Azithromycin treatment depleted A. muciniphila and preserved colonic mucus. Dietary restriction raised colonic luminal pH and reduced acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Culturing A. muciniphila with lower pH and increased propionate prevented utilization of mucin. Treating irradiated mice with azithromycin or propionate preserved the mucus layer, lessened hypothermia, and reduced inflammatory cytokines in the colon. These results suggest that diet, metabolites and colonic mucus link the microbiome to neutropenic fever, and could guide future microbiome-based preventive strategies. ### Competing Interest Statement R.R.J. receives consultant role fees from Merck, Karius and Microbiome DX, advisory member role fees from Seres, Kaleido, MaaT Pharma, Prolacta, and LISCure, research funding from Kaleido, and patent licensing fees from Seres.
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