Development and retinal remodeling in the brown anole lizard (Anolis sagrei)


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Background The fovea, a pit in the retina, is believed to be important for high-acuity vision and is a feature found in the eyes of humans and a limited number of vertebrate species that include certain primates, birds, lizards, and fish. At present, model systems currently used for ocular research lack a foveated retina and studies investigating fovea development have largely been limited to histological and molecular studies in primates. As a result, progress towards understanding the mechanisms involved in regulating fovea development in humans is limited and is completely lacking in other, non-primate, vertebrates. To address this knowledge gap, we provide here a detailed histological atlas of retina and fovea development in the bifoveated Anolis sagrei lizard, a novel reptile model for fovea research. We also further test the hypothesis that retinal remodeling, which leads to fovea formation and photoreceptor cell packing, is related to asymmetric changes in eye shape. Results Anole retina development follows the conventional spatiotemporal patterning observed in most vertebrates, where retina neurogenesis begins within the central retina, progresses throughout the temporal retina, and concludes in the nasal retina. One exception to this general rule is that areas that give rise to the fovea undergo retina differentiation prior to the rest of the retina. We find that retina thickness changes dynamically during periods of ocular elongation and retraction. During periods of ocular elongation, the retina thins, while during retraction it becomes thicker. Ganglion cell layer mounding is also observed in the temporal fovea region just prior to pit formation. Conclusions Anole retina development parallels that of humans, including the onset and progression of retinal neurogenesis followed by changes in ocular shape and retinal remodeling that leads to pit formation in the retina. We propose that anoles are an excellent model system for fovea development research. Key Findings ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. * GCL : Ganglion cell layer IPL : Inner Plexiform Layer OPL : Outer Plexiform Layer INL : Inner nuclear layer ONL : Outer nuclear layer ELM : External limiting membrane
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