
Water Consumption Pattern and Conservation Measures in Academic Building: a Case Study of Jamshoro Pakistan

Talpur Bushra Danish, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT),Ahmed Shoaib

SN applied sciences/SN Applied Sciences(2020)

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The building construction industry contribute substantially toward the exhaustion of most of the natural resources and water is one of them. Unsustainable water uses in buildings during its operation phase augmenting water resources consumption and degradation. To reduce resource consumption and harmful environmental impacts; green buildings construction is being promoted. Water conservation is one of the important components in the design of green buildings to save freshwater and satisfy the increasing demand for water. United States (U.S.) green building reference guide rating system contains 11 points out of 110 points for water efficiency for building design and construction. Considering these facts, this study aims to analyze water consumption and conservation potential in the Center for advanced studies during operational phase in the city Jamshoro. Water consumption by occupants during working hours has been assessed. Two scenarios were developed to assess and calculate water use in existing infrastructure and then compared with criteria provided by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) guidelines for new construction and design. It has been observed that currently no proper provision is provided for water reuse or recycling and ordinary water consumption fixtures are used. Results show that 33.50% of total consumed water can be saved by using LEED design and construction criteria. Moreover, grey water reuse can also reduce freshwater consumption 42–25% in both scenarios. Grey water reuse and reducing indoor water consumption in the building can help to conserve water. Such water usage systems will not only help to reduce energy cost but also contribute positively toward ensuring future availability of resources and improve environmental performance.
Building operation,Water conservation,Water efficient techniques,Green building,Environmental performance
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