
Impact of Infrastructure Barriers on Electronic Government Implementation

Estudios de economía aplicada(2020)

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Electronic government (e-government) in its simplest form can mean utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) tools to give services to citizens. With the enormous benefits that e-government gives to government and societies, it still faces obstacles and challenges. Therefore, there are always a number of critical success and risk factors associated with e- Government implementation. In this modern life, data is a huge item that should be ace so as to enhance the competitive power of an association. Various uses of Information and Communication (ICT) in some domestic governments made it become apparent. Nonetheless, indeed, ICT didn't have a worthy impact on the productivity of government sector. A lot of governments all throughout the globe are presenting e-government as inclusion to their process on the most proficient method to spare time and costs, enhance assistance and raise productivity and adequacy of public sector. Along these lines, the distinguishing proof of e-government has been the highest need for all administration offices. Nonetheless, the appropriation of e-government is confronting a great deal of boundaries and difficulties, for example, technological, institutional, national and societal problems that should be repair and think cautiously by any pondering government's appropriation. This paper further states the methodical analysis to recognize the infrastructural barriers that affects the execution of e-government services. It would also create a record of potential tactics that would made e-government services execution successful.
E-government,E-government execution,barriers,infrastructure barriers
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