Prenatal Stress As A Factor Of Immune Defense Mechanisms Impairment During The Postnatal Period

A. L. Torgomyan,A. D. Khudaverdyan, M. Yu. Saroyan, H. K. Ghambaryan,D. N. Khudaverdyan


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Over the past half century, an extraordinary increase in civilization diseases have been uncovered, among which the special part belongs to maladies to this or that extent associated with impairment of immunoprotective mechanisms: immunodeficiency conditions, allergic diseases, blood disorders, tumor pathology, etc. The increase in related morbidity rate is mainly observed in countries, the population of which was subjected to chronic stress: different model permanent stress factors. This latter equally refers to Armenia as well: during the last 25 years the population was stressed by different stress factors, such as the earthquake, war, social and domestic problems, processes of migration, etc. According to informal data for these years, the incidence of various immunodependent, oncological diseases, and diseases of blood among the population of the republic increased 5-10 and more times.The above stated gives evidence of necessity to analyze the existing ideas on possible mechanisms of immune disturbances and defense reactions development and, in particular, on the role of immune mechanisms of defense in the pathogenesis of post-stressor pathological manifestations during the postnatal ontogenesis, and subsequently, gives proof to targeted research in this field.Summarizing the above stated it is possible to conclude that adaptation mechanisms are interrelated in a complicated manner and have bidirectional disposition, due to ability to proceed from the protective to damaging ones. They become the base or the constituent component for development of pathological processes depending on the number, intensity, and duration of stress factors, as well as organism peculiarities characterized by its responsiveness or predisposition to different pathological processes. The stress reaction becomes a non-specific cause of numerous pathological conditions.The discussed study results help to shed light on important biological mechanisms that underlie human health.
prenatal stress, glucocorticoids, immune cells, adrenals, hypophysis
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