Noise Measurements At Seismic Array In The Drilling Site Of Bagnolifutura, Campi Flegrei


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In 2012 two seismic surveys were carried out in the area of Bagnolifutura (Campi Flegrei, Naples), with the aim of characterizing the properties of the seismic noise during the drilling activity performed in the framework of the Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project (CFDDP; During the first survey, which was conducted from 2 to 4 April, before the drilling, seven broadband three-component seismometers were installed in two different array configurations. The second survey started on November 26, in concomitance with the drilling operations and fluid injection, and ended on December 5, four days after the end of the drilling, when the maximum depth of 502 m was reached. During this period seven broadband and one short-period three-component sensors were installed. A preliminary spectral analysis was performed on samples of seismic noise; moreover the root mean square of the amplitude of the signals and the polarization parameters were calculated. The preliminary results show similar spectral and polarization features for the data of the two surveys, whereas the amplitude of the seismic noise collected during the second survey is greatly influenced by the bad meteorological conditions. As future development experimental site transfer functions from Nakamura's technique and surface wave dispersion from array techniques will be calculated to obtain the shallow crustal structure. The results corresponding to the different phases of the drilling activity will be compared, with the aim of establishing if significant variations of the medium properties have occurred during the experiment. Moreover the recorded signals will be deeply investigated in order to detect the eventual occurrence of microseismicity induced by fluid injection and to define its features.
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