
Children And Adolescent Exposed To Disaster: Delphi Technique Study For The Development Of Posttraumatic Assessment And Intervention


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s | 95 but the result was inconsistent. This study was to investigate the analysis of HRV in PTSD patients according to postural change with head-up tilt testing. Methods: Seventy-one PTSD patients and seventy normal controls participated. The diagnosis of PTSD was established by the structured clinical interview for diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (SCID)-IV. The posttraumatic stress disorder checklist 5 (PCL5), Beck depression inventory (BDI), Beck anxiety inventory (BAI), psychosocial well-being index short form (PWI-SF) and Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) were applied to all study subjects. The HRV measurement, including heart rate (HR), standard deviation of the NN interval (SDNN), the square root of the mean squared differences of successive NN intervals (RMSSD), physical stress index (PSI), log total power (LNTP), log low frequency (LNLF), log high frequency (LNHF) and low-frequency/high-frequency ratio (LF/HF ratio), were performed at supine position for the first five minutes, then underwent headup tilt testing for the last five minutes at an erect position. Results: The PTSD group showed a significantly higher score than the nonPTSD group in PCL5 (t=11.625, p=0.001), BDI (t=5.543, p=0.020) and BAI (t=9.500, p=0.002). In the PTSD group, SDNN (t=3.563, p=0.039), RMSSD (t=3.514, p=0.011) and LNLF (t=0.902, p <0.001) were significantly lower, but PSI (t=-3.818, p <0.001) and LF/ HF ratio (t=-1.730, p=0.041) were significantly higher than in the nonPTSD group. After tilting, higher PSI (t=-2.570, p <0.001), lower LNLF (t=1.927, p=0.011) and lower LNHF (t=2.403, p=0.025) were found in the PTSD group, compared to the nonPTSD group. SDNN (r=-0.209, p=0.013), RMSSD (r=-0.211, p=0.012) and LNHF (r=-0.168, p=0.046) were correlated with PCL5 in only supine position. Conclusion: PTSD patients showed reduced heart rate variability compared to nonPTSD patients, associating PTSD with involvement of autonomic nerve system activity. Although head-up tilt testing might be not more available than supine position testing for measurement of HRV with PTSD patients in this study, HRV might be a usable physiological parameter of assessing and monitoring of autonomic function in PTSD patients. PS262 Frontal electroencephalographic findings related with psychological symptoms of complicated bereaved familial members of Sewol ferry disaster Kuk-In Jang1,3, Sang Min Lee1,3, Miseon Shim4, Hyu Jung Huh2, Seung Huh2, Ji-Young Joo1, Seung-Hwan Lee4*, Jeong-Ho Chae1,2,3,* 1Institute of Biomedical Industry, 2Department of Psychiatry, 3Department of Biomedicine and Heath Sciences, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, South Korea, 4Clinical Emotion and Cognition Research Laboratory Abstract Purpose: On April 16th 2014, the Sewol ferry sank off South Korea’s southern coast, killing 304 people. Two hundred fifty among the victims were sophomore of a high school on a school trip. This disaster caused over hundreds bereaved families suddenly. Until today, they have been suffered from the death of their children and most of them showed problems related with complicated grief. This study was the first biological investigation for the familial members of the victims of Sewol ferry disaster. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the neurophysiological change of brain was associated with clinical rating scales in families of the Sewol ferry victims. Methods: Subjects were 86 family members of the Sewol ferry victims (32 men and 54 women). The mean age was 44.88 (8.51) years (range: 19–60 years). All subjects were recruited through advertisement of Ansan trauma center. The two-channel EEG device was used to measure of cortical activity in frontal lobe during 5 minutes in resting state with eye-closed condition. Results: Frontal beta relative power was decreased in the high risk insomnia group (n=22) compared to the normal sleep group (n=18). There was significant inverse association between frontal beta relative power and insomnia symptom in all subjects (n=86). The mean insomnia scores was higher in fathers (n=27) than mothers (n=38). Conclusions: Decrease of beta power implies the lack of attention and decreased alertness. The study suggests that decreased frontal beta activity is associated with insomnia symptom severity of bereaved subjects.Purpose: On April 16th 2014, the Sewol ferry sank off South Korea’s southern coast, killing 304 people. Two hundred fifty among the victims were sophomore of a high school on a school trip. This disaster caused over hundreds bereaved families suddenly. Until today, they have been suffered from the death of their children and most of them showed problems related with complicated grief. This study was the first biological investigation for the familial members of the victims of Sewol ferry disaster. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the neurophysiological change of brain was associated with clinical rating scales in families of the Sewol ferry victims. Methods: Subjects were 86 family members of the Sewol ferry victims (32 men and 54 women). The mean age was 44.88 (8.51) years (range: 19–60 years). All subjects were recruited through advertisement of Ansan trauma center. The two-channel EEG device was used to measure of cortical activity in frontal lobe during 5 minutes in resting state with eye-closed condition. Results: Frontal beta relative power was decreased in the high risk insomnia group (n=22) compared to the normal sleep group (n=18). There was significant inverse association between frontal beta relative power and insomnia symptom in all subjects (n=86). The mean insomnia scores was higher in fathers (n=27) than mothers (n=38). Conclusions: Decrease of beta power implies the lack of attention and decreased alertness. The study suggests that decreased frontal beta activity is associated with insomnia symptom severity of bereaved subjects. PS263 Association between Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and posttraumatic stress symptoms in female victims of sexual violence Hyoung Yoon Chang1,2, Kyoung Min Shin2, Nam Hee Kim1, Young Ki Chung1,2 1Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Republic of Korea 2Sunflower Center of Southern Gyeonggi for Women and Children Victims of Violence, Suwon, Republic of Korea Abstract Decreased HRV can occur with a variety of physical and psychological disorders including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, little is known about the associations between the sexual trauma and HRV measures. The purpose of this present study was to investigate the HRV characteristics associated with PTSD symptoms in victims of sexual trauma. Data were collected from female victims who had been sexually assaulted (n = 23, mean age = 28.2 years). Heart rate variability was measured in resting state. Victims also completed self-report questionnaires including the Korean version of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R-K). Chi-square was used for frequency of subject characteristics; independent t-test compared means of HRV measures between victims group and control group (n = 27, mean age = 32.6 years); Pearson correlation was used for association between HRV measures and self-report scores.Decreased HRV can occur with a variety of physical and psychological disorders including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, little is known about the associations between the sexual trauma and HRV measures. The purpose of this present study was to investigate the HRV characteristics associated with PTSD symptoms in victims of sexual trauma. Data were collected from female victims who had been sexually assaulted (n = 23, mean age = 28.2 years). Heart rate variability was measured in resting state. Victims also completed self-report questionnaires including the Korean version of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R-K). Chi-square was used for frequency of subject characteristics; independent t-test compared means of HRV measures between victims group and control group (n = 27, mean age = 32.6 years); Pearson correlation was used for association between HRV measures and self-report scores. The results were as follows. First, significantly higher logtransformed very low frequency (VLF) (p < .0001), log-transformed low frequency (LF) (p < .0001), and log-transformed high frequency (HF) (p < .0001) were found in victims group compared to control group. Second, hyperarousal symptom of PTSD symptoms was negatively associated with log-transformed square root of the mean squared differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals (RMSSD) (r= -0.461, p = .03) and logtransformed standard deviation of normal-to-normal intervals (SDNN) (r= -0.453, p = .03). This cross-sectional analysis supports associations between PTSD symptoms, especially hyperarousal, in female victims of sexual violence and reduced HRV measures. PS264 Children and Adolescent Exposed to Disaster: Delphi Technique Study for the Development of Posttraumatic Assessment and Intervention Soo-Young Bhang, MD, MPH, PhD1, Mi-Sun Lee, PhD2, Jun-Won Hwang, MD, PhD3, Ju-Hyun Lee, MD4, Ji-Youn Kim, MD, PhD5, 96 | International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 Cheol-Soon Lee, MD, PhD6, Eunji Kim, MD7, Seungmin Bae, MD8, Hyoung Yoon Chang, MD, PhD, MPH9, 10, Jang-Ho Park, MD, PhD11 1Department of Psychiatry, Eulji University School of Medicine, Eulji General Hospital, Seoul, Korea 2Department of Psychiatry, Eulji General Hospital, Seoul, Korea 3 Department of Psychiatry, Kangwon National University School of Medicine, Chuncheon, Korea 4Inarae Psychiatry Clinic, Seoul, Korea 5Goodmind Psychiatry Clinic, Suwon, Korea 6Department of Psychiatry, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University Changwon Hospital, Changwon, Korea 7Department of Psychiatry, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu, Korea 8 Department of Psychiatry, Gachon University Gil Hospital,
Hospital Preparedness
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