
Anatomical Characteristics of the Bones of the Thoracic Limb of White-Eared Opossum (didelphis Albiventris)

International Journal of Morphology(2021)

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The skeleton of the thoracic limb is one of the key aspects for the understanding of the habits and movement of different mammalian species. Considering the gap about studies related to marsupial osteology, this work proposes to study the aspects inherent to the skeleton of opossums, with emphasis on the detailed anatomical description of the bones that form the thoracic limb. For this purpose, the bones of six specimens of possums of the species Didelphis albiventris were used. These small to medium sized marsupials inhabit a wide range of South America, living in several types of habitats, being commonly described as arboreal omnivores and have anthropic habits. For the execution of this study, the bone accidents perceptible in the specimens were identified by superficial palpation, which were then radiographed. The thoracic limb bones were prepared by boiling and drying in the sun. Finally, from the radiographic images and the prepared bones, a detailed description of the anatomy of the bone components of the thoracic limb of Didelphis albiventris was made, joining the previously obtained data of surface anatomy. These data were compared with data from the literature, discussing the functional significance of the osteological findings of the thoracic limb of Didelphis albiventris.
Animal Anatomy,Marsupial,Osteology,Wild Animals
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