
Manufacturing of Photoactive Β -Bismuth Oxide by Flame Spray Oxidation

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Ferrer-Pacheco M. Y.,Muñoz-Saldaña J.

Journal of thermal spray technology(2021)

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Photoactive tetragonal bismuth oxide powder with different semiconducting characteristics was synthesized from Bi-pellets by flame spray oxidation. The effect of feedstock particle size and standoff distance (SOD) on the physical properties of β -Bi 2 O 3 keeping constant the fuel/oxygen ratio is here reported. The flame spray oxidized powder was collected either from evaporated or in-flight particles quenched in water. The combination of flame spray processing parameters led to different β -Bi 2 O 3 phase contents, oxidation characteristics, size distribution (nanometric and micrometric sized), morphology, and optical properties of the sprayed powder. The highest micrometric β -Bi 2 O 3 content quenched in water was obtained at a SOD of 30 cm using a particle size distribution of 12-60 μm of Bi-feedstock. The obtained powder from in-flight particles collected in water allowed us to analyze the oxidation characteristics of bismuth. Micrometric powder shows the synthesis of snowman-like Bi/ β -Bi 2 O 3 Janus particles. The nanometric sized Bi 2 O 3 powder was continuously obtained by spray oxidation, where its collection efficiency depends on processing parameters and showed spherical morphology and a highly pure tetragonal phase with narrow visible light absorbance ( E g = 2.26 eV). These optical characteristics indicate that the obtained β -Bi 2 O 3 powder is suitable for high-performance visible-light photocatalyst.
flame spray oxidation,optical properties,tetragonal bismuth oxide,visible-light photocatalyst
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