Digestive Disorders Associated With The Consumption Of Palm Fiber (Elaeis Guineensis) In Feedlot Cattle1


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N.M.F.P., Moura M.A.O., Cardoso R.J., Lima A.H.A., Bezerra Junior P.S., Duarte M.D., Cerqueira V.D. & Riet-Correa G. 2021. Digestive disorders associated with the consumption of palm fiber (Elaeis guineensis) in feedlot cattle. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 41:e06744, 2021. Laboratorio de Patologia Animal, Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal do Para, BR-316 Km 61, Bairro Saudade, Castanhal, PA 68746-360, Brazil. E-mail: griet@ufpa.br Digestive disorders in cattle are associated with the breeding system and feed provided to the animals. Abomasal compaction is primarily related to the ingestion of forage with elevated levels of lignin, low quality, and difficult digestibility. In addition, the excess of fibrous food in the diet can lead to phytobezoars that may be responsible for intestinal obstruction disorders. This study aimed to describe pathological and clinical aspects of an outbreak of digestive disorders associated with the consumption of palm fiber (Elaeis guineensis). The outbreak struck a herd of 499 animals raised in a feedlot system after a change in diet that included an increase in the amount of palm fiber. Forty (8.01%) animals showed clinical signs such as fattening and regurgitation during rumination, and 21 (4.2%) animals died later. The cattle affected presented with apathy, emaciation, dehydration, distended abdomen, incomplete or absent ruminal movements, and congestive mucosa. Three animals were submitted to necropsy, and distended rumen and reticulum has a large amount of brownish liquid, long and tangled vegetable fibers with sand and stones. In two animals, the omasum had many rounded structures measuring approximately 5cm in diameter, made of vegetable fiber (phytobezoars). Abomasum of animals had similar material to the rumen, and one animal had compressed content. In two animals, dilatation was observed in the small intestine, and in the opening, the total obstruction of the lumen by phytobezoar was observed. During the follow-up of the slaughter of 76 cattle, 15 (19.7%) had phytobezoars of different sizes in the omasum and abomasum. The increased amount of oil palm fiber in animal feeding favored the occurrence of compression abomasum and intestinal obstruction phytobezoa, causing significant economic losses.
Digestive disorder, palm fiber, Elaeis guineensis, feedlot, cattle, compaction, phytobezoar, digestive system
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