Role of deployment-related mTBI and resilience in perceived participation limitations among Veterans


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Problems with social functioning are common following combat deployment, and these may be greater among individuals with a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI). The present investigation examined the impact of mild TBI (mTBI), deployment-related characteristics, and resilience on perceived participation limitations among combat Veterans. This was a cross-sectional study of 143 participants with a history of at least one deployment-related mTBI (TBI group) and 80 without a history of lifetime TBI (Comparison group). Self-report measures of participation, resilience, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and combat exposure were administered. In addition, each participant completed a structured interview to assess lifetime TBI history. The groups did not differ in basic demographics, but significant differences were found for perceived limitations in participation, the presence of PTSD symptoms, and intensity of combat exposure. A stepwise model indicated a significant effect of resilience on reported limitations in participation (adjusted R-2 = 0.61). Individuals with higher resiliency reported a higher degree of social participation, and this effect was stronger in the TBI group. Deployment-related characteristics, including intensity of combat exposure, did not have a significant effect (adjusted R-2 = 0.28) on social participation. The role of resilience should be recognized within post-deployment transition and rehabilitation programs.
Veterans,mild traumatic brain injury,social participation,resilience,psychological,posttraumatic stress disorders
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