
Oxidation of V(IV) by Birnessite: Kinetics and Surface Complexation.

Environmental science & technology(2021)

引用 9|浏览17
Vanadium is a redox-active metal that has been added to the EPA's Contaminant Candidate List with a notification level of 50 mu g L-1 due to mounting evidence that V-V exposure can lead to adverse health outcomes. Groundwater V concentration exceeds the notification level in many locations, yet geochemical controls on its mobility are poorly understood. Here, we examined the redox interaction between V-IV and birnessite (MnO2), a well-characterized oxidant and a scavenger of many trace metals. In our findings, birnessite quickly oxidized sparingly soluble V-IV species such as haggite [V2O3(OH)(2)] into highly mobile and toxic vanadate (HnVO4(3-n)-) in continuously stirred batch reactors under neutral pH conditions. Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) analysis of in situ and ex situ experiments showed that oxidation of V-IV occurs in two stages, which are both rapid relative to the measured dissolution rate of the V-IV solid. Concomitantly, the reduction of birnessite during V-IV oxidation generated soluble Mn-II, which led to the formation of the Mn-III oxyhydroxide feitknechtite (beta-MnOOH) upon back-reaction with birnessite. XAS analysis confirmed a bidentate-mononuclear edge-sharing complex formed between V-V and birnessite, although retention of V-V was minimal relative to the aqueous quantities generated. In summary, we demonstrate that Mn oxides are effective oxidants of V-IV in the environment with the potential to increase dissolved V concentrations in aquifers subject to redox oscillations.
X-ray spectroscopy,EXAFS,redox,groundwater,vanadium,manganese,feitknechtite,haggite
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