Large-Tuning-Range Frequency Stabilization Of An Ultraviolet Laser By An Open-Loop Piezoelectric Ceramic Controlled Fabry-Perot Cavity


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We demonstrate a laser frequency stabilization method with large tuning range to stabilize a UV laser by installing piezoelectric ceramic actuators into a Fabry-Perot cavity with an ultra-low expansion spacer. To suppress piezoelectric drift, a two-layer symmetrical structure is adopted for the piezoelectric actuator, and a 14.7 GHz tuning range is achieved. The short-term drift of the piezoelectric ceramics caused by temperature and creep is eliminated, and the long-term drift is 0.268 MHZ/h when the Fabry-Perot cavity is sealed in a chamber without a vacuum environment. The long-term frequency drift is mainly caused by stress release and is eliminated by compensating the cavity voltage with an open loop. Without the need for an external reference or a vacuum environment, the laser frequency stabilization system is greatly simplified, and it can be extended to wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to infrared. Owing to its simplicity, stability, and large tuning range, it is applicable in cold atom and trapped ion experiments. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
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