
Antibody Response of Buffalo Calves to Different Levels of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus Immunogen

Journal of pharmaceutical research international(2021)

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Antibody response of buffalo calves to different levels of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) virus immunogen was investigated. Vaccine containing 106.2 units of immunogen/TCID50 of FMD virus (O, A and Asia-1) serotypes induced log2 (1.3± 0.4) units of anti-FMD O Complement Fixing Geometric Mean antibody (FMD O CFT-CGM) titer, log2 (1.4±0.3) units of anti-FMD A CFT-CGM titer and log2 (2.0±0.7) units of anti-FMD Asia-1 CFT-CGM titer. The vaccine containing 2x106.2 units of immunogen of each of the virus serotypes induced log2 (2.2±0.2) units of anti- FMD O CFT-CGM titer, log2 (2.1±0.25) units of anti- FMD A CFT-CGM titer and log2 (3.4±0.8) units of anti-FMD Asia-1 CFT-CGM titer. The vaccine containing 3x106.2 units of TCID50 of each of the virus serotypes induced log2 (5.3 ± 2.0) units of anti-FMD O CFT-CGM titer, log2 (4.6±1.9) units of anti-FMD A CFT-CGM titer and log2 (5.0±2.2) units of anti- FMD Asia-1 CFT-CGM titer. Moreover, buffalo calves (n=3) which were primed and boosted with 60 days interval using vaccine containing 2x106.2 units of immunogen of each of the virus serotype, showed log25.0 and log26.3 units of anti FMD O CFT-GMT antibody titer, log24.6 and log26.0 units of anti FMD A CFT GMT antibody titer, log25.6 and log26.0 units of anti FMD Asia-1 CFT GMT antibody titer, on 30 and 120 days post boosting. Antibody response of buffalo calves was directly proportional to amount of FMD virus immunogen serotypes in the vaccine.
FMD virus,immunogen,buffalo calves,antibody response
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