
Removal of Free‐Living Ciliates from Stock Cultures of Two Calanoid Copepods with Sodium Hypochlorite

North American journal of aquaculture(2021)

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Eggs of Acartia tonsa and Parvocalanus crassirostris were contaminated with ciliates (Euplotes sp.) and exposed to five concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (25, 55, 105, 205, and 405 mg/L) for durations of 15 s, 5 min, 15 min, or 30 min to assess the efficacy of household bleach for removing the ciliates. Eggs from each exposure treatment were incubated for 40 h (A. tonsa) or 12 h (P. crassirostris) to assess hatch. The presence of living ciliates was evaluated after incubation, and the egg hatch rate (%) for the copepods was estimated for each treatment and in controls. Exposure to 105 mg/L total chlorine for 15 s killed all of the ciliates and reduced the copepod hatch rate by less than 26% with respect to controls in both species. Exposure to 55 mg/L for 15 min or 25 mg/L for 30 min also killed the ciliates and achieved a mean copepod hatch rate of 38.5% and 58.1% of the control-group hatch rate, respectively, in A. tonsa. Treatments for 5 min or longer reduced the hatch rate for P. crassirostris eggs by at least 76% at all of the concentrations that we tested.
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