
Mir-27a-3p Regulates The Inhibitory Influence Of Endothelin 3 On The Tumorigenesis Of Papillary Thyroid Cancer Cells (Vol 23, 243, 2021)


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Following the publication of the above article, the authors have realized that Figs. 4 and 7 contained data panels that had been erroneously assembled in these figures. These errors arose as a consequence of miscommunication among several of the authors, and changes in personnel throughout the course of the project. The revised versions of Figs. 4 and 7 are shown on the next page. Note that the replacement of the data shown also merits some changes being made to the descriptions in the Results section for the relevant figures (changed text is highlighted in bold). In the '' subsection of the Results section in the right‑hand column of p. 6, the second sentence should now read as follows: 'To detect the invasiveness of TPC‑1 and GLAG‑66 cells, transwell assay was performed, and the results of the transwell assay indicated that the number of cells invaded decreased by about 40% after transfecting with EDN3‑OE (Fig. 4C and D)'. Secondly, the last sentence on p. 11 should be rephrased to the following: 'The transwell assay results revealed that the invasion was enhanced in the miR‑27a‑3p mimic group and the invasion was suppressed in cells of the EDN3‑OE group, compared with the control group and the co‑transfection group (Fig. 7C and D)'. All the authors approve of the publication of this corrigendum, and the authors are grateful to the Editor of for granting them the opportunity to publish this. The authors regret that these errors were included in the paper, and also apologize to the readership for any inconvenience caused. [the original article was published in 23: 243, 2021; DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2021.11882].
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