A Mobile Tele-Ophthalmology System For Planned And Opportunistic Screening Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Primary Care


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Diabetic Retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that can cause severe vision impairment or even blindness. The condition is treatable in early stages, but it often progresses asymptomatic and undetected. Once the symptoms become noticeable, damage in the retina might already be permanent, thus many countries have implemented retinal imaging screening programmes for their diabetic population. However, existing screening programmes are not reaching all patients, and Diabetic Retinopathy stands as a leading cause of preventable blindness in the active population. We contend that the existing technological infrastructures and clinical processes may be hindering the coverage of Diabetic Retinopathy screening programmes. This paper presents EyeFundusScopeNEO, a Tele-Ophthalmology system based on a screening information system and a mobile fundus camera, which shall support opportunistic and planned screening in primary care, using cameras that are handheld, non-invasive, avoid drug-induced pupil dilation, are usable by clinicians who are not specialised in Ophthalmology, and that cost a fraction of existing table-top fundus cameras. Preliminary studies indicate the potential of the system to increase the reach of screening programmes and clinical research field trials are under preparation.
Diabetes, Cameras, Retina, Retinopathy, Lenses, Telemedicine, Personnel, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic Retinopathy screening, eye fundus camera, mobile, retinal imaging, smartphone, Tele-Ophthalmology, usability
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