
A Voxel-Based Assessment of Noise Properties in Computed Tomography Imaging with the ASiR-V and ASiR Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms

Applied sciences(2021)

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Given the inherent characteristics of nonlinearity and nonstationarity of iterative reconstruction algorithms in computed tomography (CT) imaging, this study aimed to perform, for the first time, a voxel-based characterization of noise properties in CT imaging with the ASiR-V and ASiR algorithms as compared with conventional filtered back projection (FBP). Multiple repeated scans of the Catphan-504 phantom were carried out. CT images were reconstructed using FBP and ASiR/ASiR-V with different blending levels of reconstruction (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%). Noise maps and their nonuniformity index (NUI) were obtained according to the approach proposed by the report of AAPM TG-233. For the homogeneous CTP486 module, ASiR-V/ASiR allowed a noise reduction of up to 63.7%/52.9% relative to FBP. While the noise reduction values of ASiR-V-/ASiR-reconstructed images ranged up to 33.8%/39.9% and 31.2%/35.5% for air and Teflon contrast objects, respectively, these values were approximately 60%/50% for other contrast objects (PMP, LDPE, polystyrene, acrylic, Delrin). Moreover, for all contrast objects but air and Teflon, ASiR-V showed a greater noise reduction potential than ASiR when the blending level was ≥40%. While noise maps of the homogenous CTP486 module showed only a slight spatial variation of noise (NUI < 5.2%) for all reconstruction algorithms, the NUI values of iterative-reconstructed images of the nonhomogeneous CTP404 module increased nonlinearly with blending level and were 19%/15% and 6.7% for pure ASiR-V/ASiR and FBP, respectively. Overall, these results confirm the potential of ASiR-V and ASiR in reducing noise as compared with conventional FBP, suggesting, however, that the use of pure ASiR-V or ASiR might be suboptimal for specific clinical applications.
computed tomography,iterative reconstruction algorithms,ASiR,ASiR-V,noise level,noise spatial uniformity
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