Individual-based networks reveal the highly skewed interactions of a frugivore mutualist with individual plants in a diverse community


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While plant-animal interactions occur fundamentally at the individual level, the bulk of research examining the mechanisms that drive interaction patterns has focused on species or population levels. In seed-dispersal mutualisms between frugivores and plants, little is known about the role of space and individual-level variation among plants in structuring patterns of frugivory and seed dispersal in a plant community. Here we use a zoocentric approach to examine how space and variation between individual plants affect movement and visitation by frugivores foraging on individual fruiting plants. To do this, we used a spatially explicit network approach informed by observations of the movement and foraging of a frugivorous lemur species Eulemur rubriventer among individual plants in a diverse plant community in Madagascar. The resulting hierarchical networks show a few individual plants receiving the bulk of the interactions, demonstrating that a generalist frugivore species could act as an individual-plant specialist within a plant community. The few individual plants that dominated interactions with lemurs shaped the modular spatial structure of frugivory interactions in the community and facilitated visitation to near neighbors. This interaction structure was primarily driven by extrinsic factors, as lemur movements among plants were significantly influenced by the individual plant's spatial position and the fruiting plant richness in its immediate neighborhood. Individual plants in central spatial locations with large fruit crops received the most visits. The observed inequality in the interactions of a generalist frugivore within a highly diverse plant community highlights the importance of considering individual-level variation for essential ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal.
mutualism, plant-animal interaction, primate, seed dispersal, spatially explicit networks, tropical forest
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