Mobile Application for Bumps Detection and Warning Utilizing Smartphone Sensors

Ezzaldeen Edwan, Nader Sarsour, Manar Alatrash

2019 International Conference on Promising Electronic Technologies (ICPET)(2019)

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It is important to detect speed bumps and potholes to protect vehicles from damage when driving over them. Because of the increasing number of accidents resulting from passing over bumps at high speeds, there is a need for a mobile application that detects those bumps and warns drivers before reaching them. We propose a mobile application that uses smartphones sensors to tackle this problem. The app works on reading data captured by smartphone sensors and analyzing them. Using a smartphone, we do not need vehicle-mounted sensors. GPS and accelerometer sensors are the main sensors used to capture data. Using those sensors, we obtain data of position, speed, and acceleration, which are needed for detecting bumps and their location and later the marked bump location, is used for warning drivers. In contrast to most applications in this field, this work uses internal sensors of smartphone, resulting in an inexpensive system available at the hands of every user. Experimental results show basic functionality of the system.
Speed bumps,mobile application,GPS,accelerometers
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