
Search for a Heavy Neutral Higgs Boson in a Left-Right Model with an Inverse Seesaw Mechanism at the LHC

Physical review D/Physical review D(2021)

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We develop a low scale left-right symmetric model based on SU(3)C × SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L × Z2 with a simplified Higgs sector consisting of only one bidoublet and one SU(2)R doublet. In this model, the tiny values of light neutrino masses are generated through an inverseseesaw mechanism. We emphasize that in this setup, the tree-level flavor changing neutral current can be strongly suppressed, consistent with the current experimental constraints. We show that the lightest CP -even Higgs boson, which is like the standard model Higgs boson, and the next lightest Higgs boson, h′, are generated from the neutral components of the bidoublet. We show that the mass of the next lightest Higgs boson can be of an order a few hundred GeVs. We analyze the detection of h′ at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for a center-of-mass energy √ s = 14 TeV and integrated luminosity Lint = 300 fb −1 via di-Higgs channel: h′ → hh → bb̄γγ and also in the ZZ channel: h′ → ZZ → 4l (l = e, μ) at an integrated luminosity Lint = 3000 fb. We consider three benchmark points for this analysis with mh′ = 250 GeV, 400 GeV, and 600 GeV. We show that promising signals with good statistical significances can be obtained in di-Higgs channel, with 2γ + 2b-jets final states.
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