
Blimp-Borne Laser Communication Technology Based on Space Dynamic Base Station

IEEE Photonics Journal(2021)

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Space dynamic communication base stations are characterized by high mobility, flexible deployment and wide coverage. It has a wide range of needs in the fields of emergency communication, earthquake relief and island communication. To solve the problem of a limited number of users due to the limited bandwidth of space base stations, so we should improve the reliability and efficiency of data transmission between space mobile base stations. According to the characteristics of the airship platform, a blimp-borne laser communication terminal applied to space dynamic base stations is designed to meet the demand for bi-directional transmission of 5G signal laser carriers in space between airships. The experimental results show that the blimp-borne laser communication terminal achieves an overall technical index of capture probability is better than 98%, the average capture time is 5s, the tracking accuracy is better than 6–15 μrad, the communication rate is 2.5 Gbps and BER is 1E-7. In order to realize the real-time evaluation of the performance of laser communication system under the turbulent channel and guide the research of anti-turbulence fading method, a real-time test method of communication channel turbulence characteristics based on the principle of light intensity scintillation is proposed. And the real-time test of turbulence characteristics of airship inclined link and the horizontal link is completed. The research results play a positive role in promoting the development of 5G mobile technology and space optical communication technology.
5G dynamic base station,free space optical communication,blimp-borne laser communication,turbulence characteristics
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