The Distribution And Conservation Status Of The Dwarf Marsupial Frog (Flectonotus Fitzgeraldi, Anura, Hemiphractidae) In Trinidad, Tobago, And Venezuela


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The Dwarf Marsupial Frog, Flectonotus fitzgeraldi (family Hemiphractidae), has been reported to occur only in Trinidad, Tobago, and the Paria Range of Venezuela. This species is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List, based on its small geographic distribution and the fragmentation of its habitat, which is said to be declining both in extent and quality. Using molecular methods, we confirm herein that the three populations do belong to the same species. However, extensive presence/absence and focused population surveys show that the frog's distribution is more extensive than previously reported in both Trinidad and Venezuela. In Trinidad and Tobago, the frog is abundant in forests wherever its host plants occur, notably the bromeliad Heliconia bihai (Balisier in Trinidad; Bijao in Venezuela) and the aroid Xanthosoma jacquinii (Elephant's Ear). In Venezuela, the species is frequently found where there is suitable habitat, but an exhaustive population study is needed to diagnose its current situation. No evidence was found of habitat decline in Trinidad and Tobago, but in Venezuela the loss of habitat is evident, mainly because of subsistence agricultural activities, which have been developing in northeast Venezuela since at least 1930. The Red List status of this species is in need of revision.
Amphibia, habitat loss, IUCN Red List, phytotelmata, southern Caribbean
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