Thermal And Behavioral Response Of Horses Submitted To Functional Exercises And Acupuncture

Paula Gomes Rodrigues, Luana Moura Delmondes Freitas,Katia De Oliveira,Carlos Otavio Damas Martins,Camilla Mendonca Silva,Clistenes Gomes De Oliveira, Jose Wellington Rodrigues Lima Junior, Jonatan Mikhail Del Solar Velarde


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The present research evaluated muscle activation degrees and relaxation of patrolling horses submitted to dynamic mobilization exercises, associated or not with acupuncture. Twelve mixed breed gelding, aged 10 +/- 2.0 years, were distributed in three treatments. Treatment with a single session of dynamic mobilization exercises (longitudinal cervical flexion of head between hooves, between carpus and to up to chest); treatment with a single acupuncture session during 20 minutes, and treatment with a single session of dynamic mobilization exercises with acupuncture. Thermographic images were analyzed before and after applying treatments to the cervical, thoracic, dorsal, abdominal and pelvic regions. Animal behavior was assessed through five minutes filming, before and ten minutes after the end of each treatment application, in an uninterrupted way. Increase in animals body temperature at the end of the single session of functional exercises (P < 0.0001) at all animal regions were reported, being cervical and thoracic areas with highest final temperature values. There was no temperature variation for other treatments (P > 0.05). All treatments stimulated higher expression frequency (P < 0.05) of relaxation behaviors. A single dynamic mobilization exercises session is enough to promote intense muscular response in entire horse body; and with acupuncture, individually or associated, promoted muscle and mental relaxation, interfering positively in animal welfare.
acupoints, ethology, dynamic mobilization, relaxation, thermography
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