
Breast Implantation Rates in Israel: is There a Change in Trend?


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BACKGROUND Breast implant illness (BII) is a rising concern among many patients. Although not fully understood, a connection between silicone breast implants and systemic diseases may be present. This connection may influence the types of breast surgeries performed. OBJECTIVES To evaluate changing trends in breast surgeries in Israel over time, with regard to implantation, explantation, and implant exchange surgeries. METHODS In this ecological study, we presented data from four private medical centers in Israel regarding the number of breast implant surgeries performed in the years 2018-2019. Data were collected bi-yearly. The types of surgeries included breast implantation, explantation, and breast implant exchange. RESULTS When we summed and compared the yearly data, we saw that the number of implantations in 2018 was 2267 (80.1% of breast implant procedures that year), and 1929 (68.9%) in 2019. The number of implant exchanges in 2018 and 2019 was 482 (17.0%) and 608 (21.7%), respectively. In 2018, 80 (2.8%) explantations were performed and 262 (9.4%) in 2019. CONCLUSIONS There appears to be a trend in the rise of implant removal surgeries in addition to a decrease in breast implantations. One possible reason may be patient concerns of BII. Another reason may be the increased public interest and discussion about systemic effects of breast implants. More research is needed in this field to achieve better understanding of the phenomenon, the reasons behind it, and the possible solutions and ways of treatment.
autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) syndrome,breast implant illness (BII),capsulectorny,explantation,silicone breast implants
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