
Fast AC Loss Calculation for Superconducting High Capacity Power Transmission Line

2021 IEEE/IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia (I&CPS Asia)(2021)

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The high temperature superconductor (HTS) CORC cable shows a great advantage on high-capacity power transmission. AC loss in HTS can considerably affect the efficiency of HTS cable during operation, which has to be calculated accurately in the cable design. The high capacity CORC cable often has dozens of HTS tape in parallel, which leads to a great challenge for the 3D electromagnetic modeling. This study is to conduct a fast AC loss calculation on the CORC cable by applying simplified 2D models, meanwhile, the results have enough accuracy for engineering applications. Two 2D simplified electromagnetic models based on H-formulation is developed for the AC loss calculation of CORC cable. Their accuracy is studied in detail by comparing with 3D models. The results show that air gap is the most important factor in the magnification loss calculation of CORC cable. In the simplified 2D models, the air gap should be the same with the physical one, which can significantly reduce the discrepancy. The 2D models are more accurate at high applied magnetic fields, and the discrepancy increased rapidly with decrease of applied fields. This study is useful for the fast and accurate AC loss calculation of high capacity HTS CORC cables.
High-capacity power transmission,CORC cable,Electromagnetic modeling,AC loss
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