Abundance of density wave phases in twisted trilayer graphene on WSe$_2$

arXiv (Cornell University)(2021)

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The presence of different types of density-wave (DW) phases is a hallmark of the complex, intertwined phase diagram of many strongly correlated materials, such as the cuprates superconductors. Although graphene moir\'e systems have been compared with high-temperature superconductors, the observation of density wave instabilities has remained rare. In this work, we report an abundance of correlated phases in twisted trilayer graphene (tTLG) with a density modulation of $1/4$ and $1/2$ moir\'e filling, which are stabilized through the proximity effect across an interface with a tungsten diselenide (WSe$_2$) crystal. At the same time, recursive structures in the Hofstadter spectrum and symmetry-broken Chern insulators are observed in the quantum Hall regime. These observations are indicative of DW order that spontaneously breaks the translational symmetry of the moir\'e lattice. Notably, there is no clear hierarchy between the robustness of correlation-driven insulators at integer and fractional fillings. This is in stark contrast with graphene moir\'e systems where correlation-driven phenomena are the most robust when each moir\'e unit cell is occupied by an integer number of electrons. Taken together, our findings uncover a novel flavor of moir\'e physics, induced by the proximity effect across the tTLG/WSe$_2$ interface.
graphene,twisted trilayer,density wave phases
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