Viral infection engenders bona fide and bystander lung memory B cell subsets through permissive selection


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Lung-resident memory B cells (MBCs) provide localized protection against reinfection in the respiratory airways. Currently, the biology of these cells remains largely unexplored. Here, we combined influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infection with fluorescent-reporter mice to identify MBCs regardless of antigen specificity. scRNA-seq analysis and confocal imaging revealed that two main transcriptionally distinct subsets of MBCs colonize the lung peribronchial niche after infection. These subsets arise from different progenitors and are both class-switched, somatically mutated and intrinsically biased in their differentiation fate towards plasma cells. Combined analysis of antigen-specificity and B cell receptor repertoire unveiled a highly permissive selection process that segregates these subsets into “bona fide” virus-specific MBCs and “bystander” MBCs with no apparent specificity for eliciting viruses. Thus, diverse transcriptional programs in MBCs are not linked to specific effector fates but rather to divergent strategies of the immune system to simultaneously provide rapid protection from reinfection while diversifying the initial B cell repertoire. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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