Distill and De-bias: Mitigating Bias in Face Recognition using Knowledge Distillation


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Face recognition networks generally demonstrate bias with respect to sensitive attributes like gender, skintone etc. For gender and skintone, we observe that the regions of the face that a network attends to vary by the category of an attribute. This might contribute to bias. Building on this intuition, we propose a novel distillation-based approach called Distill and De-bias (D&D) to enforce a network to attend to similar face regions, irrespective of the attribute category. In D&D, we train a teacher network on images from one category of an attribute; e.g. light skintone. Then distilling information from the teacher, we train a student network on images of the remaining category; e.g., dark skintone. A feature-level distillation loss constrains the student network to generate teacher-like representations. This allows the student network to attend to similar face regions for all attribute categories and enables it to reduce bias. We also propose a second distillation step on top of D&D, called D&D++. For the D&D++ network, we distill the `un-biasedness' of the D&D network into a new student network, the D&D++ network. We train the new network on all attribute categories; e.g., both light and dark skintones. This helps us train a network that is less biased for an attribute, while obtaining higher face verification performance than D&D. We show that D&D++ outperforms existing baselines in reducing gender and skintone bias on the IJB-C dataset, while obtaining higher face verification performance than existing adversarial de-biasing methods. We evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed methods on two state-of-the-art face recognition networks: Crystalface and ArcFace.
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