Measurement of general-relativistic precession in a black-hole binary


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In Newtonian gravity the angular momentum of each component of a point-particle binary system is conserved: the orbital angular momentum of the binary, and the individual angular momenta of the two objects in orbit. In general relativity this is no longer true; there are spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings between the individual angular momenta of the binary components, and as a result the orbital plane precesses around the direction of the total angular momentum. General relativistic precession has previously been measured in binary pulsars, where the precession frequency was several degrees per year. The effect can be far stronger in binaries consisting of black holes in close orbit. It has long been anticipated that strong-field precession will be measured in gravitational-wave observations of the late inspiral and merger of two black holes. While there is compelling evidence that the binary-black-hole population includes precessing binaries, precession has not been unambiguously measured in any one of the $\sim$90 LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (LVK) gravitational-wave detections to date. Here we report strong evidence for the measurement of strong-field precession, which we find in the LVK gravitational-wave signal GW200129. The binary's orbit precesses at a rate ten orders of magnitude larger than previously measured from binary pulsars. We also report that the primary black hole is likely highly spinning.
Compact astrophysical objects,General relativity and gravity,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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