
Results of the Study of Functional Recovery of Professional Athletes after Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion

Žurnal nevrologii i psihiatrii imeni SS Korsakova(2021)

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OBJECTIVE:To conduct a comprehensive clinical-neurological assessment and to study the results of functional recovery of professional athletes after minimally invasive lumbar interbody fusion.MATERIALS AND METHODS:The retrospective study included 27 patients-professional athletes who were operated on using minimally invasive decompression and stabilization techniques in the period 2010 to 2019. Clinical-neurological effectiveness was assessed when returning to previous sports activity was 14 (9; 17) weeks and 4 (3; 5) years after surgery.RESULTS:The follow-up showed a significant improvement in clinical and neurological parameters: persistent elimination of radicular and muscular-skeletal symptoms, a decrease in the level of pain according to a visual analogue scale in the lumbar spine from 68 (61; 85) mm to 3 (2; 11) mm (p=0.002) and in the lower extremities from 84 (78; 91) mm to 1 (0; 3) mm (p=0.001), change in the physical component of health from 26.18 (23.58; 28.37) to 49.82 (49.03; 53.04) (p=0.002) and the psychological component of health from 27.87 (26.22; 29.29) to 52.18 (49.12; 55.66) (p=0.001), significant improvement in the perception of physical activity according to the Borg RPE Scale from 17 (16; 18) points to 9 (8; 9) (p<0.001). In one case (3.7%), the patient did not return to his previous sports career.CONCLUSION:The use of minimally invasive rigid stabilization in the overwhelming majority of professional athletes made it possible in the shortest possible time to achieve regression of neurological symptoms, reduce pain, improve the quality of life, restore the functional state and return to previous sports activities.
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