
Altered Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory Plasma Cytokines Levels in Children with Down's Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis.

Journal of family medicine and primary care(2021)

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BACKGROUND:Down syndrome (DS) is the commonest chromosomal anomalies at birth. DS is portrayed by the event of extra complete/deficient duplicate of chromosome number 21 (trisomy 21). Around the world, this disordered influencing roughly 1 out of 1000 infants. Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines engaged with a few physiological procedures involving the guideline of inflammatory reactions. In DS kids, the creation of few important inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines is altered. Different investigations shows that the cytokines are dysregulated in patients with DS. In this study, we led a meta-analysis to evaluate the connections of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine changes in youngsters with DS patients.METHODOLOGY:We searched PubMed, Google and Web of Science for studies in exploring the association of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory serum level with DS patients. Total 10 studies were included in the meta-analysis. The random effects were used to analyze the pooled data. All statistical tests were two-sided.RESULTS:High circulating level of serum MCP-1 was significantly associated with DS [Cohen's d = 143.91 95% confidence interval (CI) =110.38-177.43]. However, the other circulating cytokines IL-2 and IL-17 level were lower whereas IL-13 level was higher but not significantly different in DS as contrasted to healthy controls. The heterogeneity level was higher in IL-2, IL-13 and IL-17 cytokines.CONCLUSION:This meta-analysis shows that the higher circulating level of MCP-1 was associated with DS.
Cytokines,down syndrome,genetic disorder,inflammation,meta-analysis
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