Rapid Transition to Remote Instruction of Physics Labs During Spring 2020: Instructor Perspectives


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Laboratory courses are an important part of the undergraduate physics curriculum. During physics labs, students can engage in authentic, hands-on experimental practices, which can prepare them for graduate school, research laboratories, and jobs in industry. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, colleges and universities across the world rapidly transitioned to teaching labs remotely. In this work, we report results from a survey of physics lab instructors on how they adapted their courses in the transition to emergency remote teaching. We found that the instructors who responded to the survey faced numerous challenges when transitioning their classes to remote instruction, particularly in providing students with a similar experience to the in-person labs. In addition, we identified common themes in the instructors' responses including changing learning goals of the courses to be more concept-focused, reducing group work due to equity and technological concerns, and using a variety simulation tools, as well as report on factors that the instructors hoped to continue once they have returned to in-person instruction.
remote instruction,physics labs,instructor perspectives
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