
The Benefits Trial of PB-04 to Evaluate Safety, PK, and Preliminary Efficacy in Inducing Fetal Globin Expression in Beta Thalassemia Intermedia and Sickle Cell Disease


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Increased expression of fetal globin (HBG) has been shown to reduce clinical severity of beta-globin disorders and increase survival in sickle cell disease (SCD), through improved globin chain balance in beta thalassemia and reduced HbS polymerization. Pharmacologic approaches are considered most feasible for a majority of patients. Both proportions of F-cells and quantity of hemoglobin F (HbF)/cell are important for therapeutic effects. PB-04 was identified in a high-throughput screen of US and EU-approved drugs to activate HBG gene transcription, without cytotoxicity, to induce fetal globin expression (gamma globin mRNA, F-cells, HbF/cell, HbF), and to suppress or displace 4 repressors of the fetal globin gene promoter (BCL11A, LSD-1, KLF-1, and HDAC-3) in hemoglobinopathy patients' erythroid progenitors. PB-04 enhanced HbF in progenitors from hydroxyurea (HU)-treated patients with sickle cell disease. In in vivo studies, PB-04 induced fetal globin expression >20-fold with oral dosing in anemic baboons, and by 3.5-fold in mice transgenic for 2 copies of the human β-globin gene locus. This agent has been approved and in broad use for Parkinson's Disease treatment for 5 decades in Europe and Canada, to enhance the PK of an active Parkinson's agent, solely in a combination formulation. Because of its safety with chronic dosing up to 1300 mg/day, PB-04 is therefore of interest for repurposing in the treatment of thalassemia and SCD.
beta thalassemia intermedia,fetal globin expression,sickle cell disease
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