
Evaluating the Use of Immersive Interactive Mixed Reality (I2MR) Technology in Special Needs Education in Singapore

Technology, knowledge and learning(2023)

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The use of immersive interactive mixed reality (I2MR) technologies has been of interest to educators due to the rapid advancement of technology, lowered cost, and increased engagement of the senses. This is particularly attractive in special needs education (SNE) as it can provide a safe space in which students can learn and practice skills needed in the real world. 86 students with diagnosed cognitive disabilities (aged 7–18) and 10 teachers from three schools in Singapore participated in the study. The I2MR was added to the school curriculum for 4–8 months, depending on the school. The efficacy and practicality of I2MR intervention were assessed with qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys being analysed through statistical modelling. We showed improvement in students’ mental well-being, academic and social skills as well as a positive effect on teachers’ work satisfaction and sense of teacher efficacy. Based on the teachers’ feedback, I2MR was helpful for SNE because of its engaging environment, interactive and playful nature leading to higher involvement, facilitation of social skills, calming and relaxation effect, and “sandbox” mode for skills to be practised in a safe space. The I2MR limitations included overstimulation effects on certain students. Also, some activities can be performed more effectively using other tools. Overall, we present data that shows benefits and highlights the practicality of I2MR in SNE and make the argument for their further usage and development.
Immersive interactive mixed reality,Special needs education,Qualitative interviews,Quantitative surveys
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