Long-Term Effectiveness of a Digital Therapeutic Intervention for Smoking Cessation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2021)

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Abstract Introduction The present study evaluated the long-term effectiveness of Quit Genius (QG), an extended digital smoking cessation intervention. Methods Participants were adult smokers (N=556) recruited between January and November of 2019 via social media and referrals from primary care practices who were given nicotine replacement therapy and randomly assigned to Quit Genius (QG) (n=277), a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) based digital intervention or Very Brief Advice (VBA) (n=279), a face-to-face control intervention. Primary analyses (N=530), by intention-to-treat, compared QG and VBA on biochemically verified continuous 7-day abstinence at 4, 26, and 52 weeks post-quit date. Secondary outcomes included sustained abstinence, quit attempts, self-efficacy and mental well-being. Results Seven-day point prevalence abstinence from weeks 4 through 52 ranged from 27% to nearly 45% among those who received QG, and from 13% to 29% for those in VBA. Continuous 7-day abstinence at 26 and 52 weeks occurred in 27.2% and 22.6% of QG participants, respectively, relative to 16.6% and 13.2% of VBA participants; QG participants were more likely to remain abstinent than those in VBA (Relative Risk [RR]= 1.71, 95% CI 1.17-2.50; p =0.005). Conclusions This study provides evidence for the long-term effectiveness of an extended digital therapeutic intervention. Implications The long-term effectiveness of digital smoking cessation interventions has not been well-studied. This study established the long-term effectiveness of an extended CBT-based intervention; results may inform implementation of scalable, cost-effective approaches to smoking cessation in the health system.
smoking cessation,digital therapeutic intervention,randomized controlled trial,therapeutic intervention,long-term
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