Thriving on the Supply Chain High Wire

Supply Chain Management eJournal(2020)

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The diverging fates of Ringling and Cirque highlight one of the great mysteries in business: “How do one-time showstoppers lose their balance on the competitive high wire?” The mystery is solved in two words:

1. Choreography. Choreography, the art and science of making meaning through space and movement, brought the famed three rings together, creating the circus.

2. Competency. Although both Cirque and Ringling were born of choreography, Cirque thrives because it invests in choreography as a valued competence. The Ringling Bros. died because it didn’t.

You may also be wondering: “Why should I care about choreography? I’m a supply chain manager; not a dancer.” Here’s your answer: Choreography is what supply chain strategists do. It’s your job, as a supply chain strategist, to bring ideas, people and technology together to create the unrivaled experience needed to turn customers into passionate fans. Besides, Ringling isn’t the only ringmaster to stumble and fall. Other industry headliners like Circuit City, Kodak and Xerox fell into economic ruin when they failed to use choreography to reinvent their value propositions.
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