
Pattern of Complementary Feeding among Infants: a Pilot Study

Pragnya Paramita Bhoi, Smruti Pragyan Sahoo, Sonali Mangaraj,Niyati Das,Purnima Sahoo, S. Bhaktiswarupa

International journal of community medicine and public health/International journall of community medicine and public health(2021)

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Background: The world health organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, with the addition of complementary feeds at six months with continued breastfeeds until at least the age of two. This study aimed to assess the period and pattern of initiation of complementary feeding and to find out the prevalence of malnutrition among infants (6-12 months).Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken by taking 50 infants with the help of purposive sampling technique at pediatric OPD of Pradyumna Bal Memorial Hospital, KIMS, Bhubaneswar. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the baseline information by face to face interview and Anthropometric examination was conducted to asess the growth pattern. Anthropometric measurements were interpreted by using WHO Anthro Analyzer software and statistical analysis was done by using SPSS 20 Software.Results: The study findings revealed that most of the mother (64%) has initiated the Complementary feeding after 6 months of age, 88% mothers were continuing breastfeeding along with CF. No infants were given cow’s milk. There was significant association of initiation of complementary feeding with maternal education and source of information and age of the infant. Percentage of malnourished infants is 32%. Mothers were preferring to give formula food rather than the home made one.Conclusions: The study concluded that late introduction of complementary feeding are still prevalent in our society. The most precious and vulnerable age group of our society are suffering from malnutrition. Antenatal counselling of mother and appropriate dietary modification should be done after thorough screening during antenatal and postnatal visit.
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