
Retrieval algorithm for OClO from TROPOMI by Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy


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Abstract. The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) is a UV-VIS-NIR-SWIR instrument on board of Sentinel-5P satellite developed for monitoring the Earth’s atmosphere. It was launched on 13 October 2017 in a near polar orbit. It measures spectrally resolved earthshine radiances at an unprecedented spatial resolution of around 3.5 x 7.2 km² (3.5 x 5.6 km² starting from 6 Aug 2019) (near nadir) with a total swath width of ~ 2600 km on the Earth's surface providing daily global coverage. From the measured spectra high resolved trace gas distributions can be retrieved by means of differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). Chlorine dioxide (OClO) is a by-product of the ozone depleting halogen chemistry in the stratosphere. Although being rapidly photolysed at low solar zenith angles (SZAs) it plays an important role as an indicator of the chlorine activation in polar regions during polar winter and spring at twilight conditions because of the nearly linear dependence of its formation to chlorine oxide (ClO). Here we present a new retrieval algorithm of the slant column densities (SCDs) of chlorine dioxide (OClO) by DOAS. To achieve a substantially improved accuracy, which is especially important for OClO observations, accounting for absorber and pseudo absorber structures in optical depth even of the order of 10−4 is important. Therefore in comparison to existing retrievals, we include several additional fit parameters accounting for spectral effects like the temperature dependency of the Ring effect and Ring absorption effects, higher order term for the OClO SCD dependency on wavelength and account for the BrO absorption. We investigate the performance of different retrieval settings by an error analysis with respect to random variations, large scale systematic variations as function of solar zenith angle and also more localised systematic variations by a novel application of an autocorrelation analysis. The retrieved TROPOMI OClO SCDs show a very good agreement with ground based zenith sky measurements and are correlated well with preliminary data of the opeartional TROPOMI OClO retrieval algorithm currently being developed as part of ESA's S5p+I project.
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