
Endoscopic cartilage tympanoplasty : A two-handed technique using dr khan ’ s endoscope holder “ EndoHold ” Presenting


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Thewell established techniques in tympanoplasty are routinely performed with operating microscopes for many decades now. Endoscopic ear surgeries provideminimally invasive approach to the middle ear and evolving new science in the field of otology. The disadvantage of endoscopic ear surgeries is that it is one-handed surgical technique as the non-dominant left hand of the surgeon is utilized for holding and manipulating the endoscope. This necessitated the need for development of the endoscope holder which would allow both hands of surgeon tobe free for surgicalmanipulationandalso allowalternate useofmicroscopeduring tympanoplasty.To report thepreliminary utility of our designed and developed endoscope holder attachment gripping tomicroscope for two handed technique of endoscopic tympanoplasty. Prospective Non Randomized Clinical Study. Our endoscope holder attachment formicroscopewasdesigned anddeveloped to aid in endoscopic ear surgery and to overcome the disadvantage of single handed endoscopic surgery. It was tested for endoscopic Tympanoplasty. The design of the endoscope holder attachment is described indetail alongwith itsmanipulationandmanoeuvreing. A total of 78 endoholder assisted type 1 endoscopic cartilage tympanoplasties were operated to evaluate its feasibility for the two handed technique and to evaluate the results of endoscopic type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty. In early follow up period ranging from 6 to 20 months, the graft uptake was seen in 76 ears with one residual perforation and 1 recurrent perforations giving a success rate of 97.435 %. Our endocsope holder attachment for gripping microscope is a good option for two handed technique in endoscopic type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty. The study reports the successful application and use of our endoscope holder attachment for gripping microscope in two handed technique of endoscopic type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty and comparable results with microscopic techniques.
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