Bertholet Mycobacterium tuberculosis Against Multidrug-Resistant A Defined Tuberculosis Vaccine Candidate Boosts BCG and Protects


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and the approach presented in this paper is a promising one. clinical trial. There is a great need for better protection against TB, in both the developing and the developed world, with an oil-in-water adjuvant and a recombinant four-protein fusion protein may be appropriately tested in a human This broad study in a range of animal models presents data that suggest that a vaccine based on immunization guinea pigs against TB infection. with the short-term BCG vaccine. When given after 4 months, their vaccine with the fusion protein protected the ). To simulate the weak protection often seen in people, the authors injected guinea pigs γ (IFNγ (TNF) and interferoncharacteristics in their lungs and infiltration of more granulocytes and T cells that secreted both tumor necrosis factor resistance to several common anti-tuberculosis drugs. The protected mice have fewer pathological cellular subsequent infection with TB bacteria administered by inhalation, even against a strain of TB that has developed monkeys, this vaccine provokes responses in both CD4 and CD8 T cells. In mice, the vaccine protected against this, along with an oil-in-water adjuvant, as an immunogen. When injected into mice, guinea pigs, and cynomolgus virulence and latency factors. They put them together to form a single recombinant fusion protein and used −− bacteria To maximize the immunogenicity of the vaccine, the authors chose four proteins known to be vital for the growing problem. from the BCG vaccine and, of even greater importance, protect against drug-resistant TB bacteria, a serious and . have now devised a TB vaccine that can boost the residual immunity et al relied on to prevent TB in adults. Bertholet It wards off TB-induced meningitis in childhood, but within several decades, it is no longer effective and cannot be has some drawbacks. −− bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), a vaccine against tuberculosis −− (but not the United States) clearly compensates for the pain. But one shot given in many countries −− polio, smallpox, and diphtheria −− diseases Going to the doctor for routine ''shots'' is a dreaded childhood right of passage. The freedom from serious A Superior Shot for Tuberculosis
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