Supplementary Document: Knit Sketching: from Cut & Sew Patterns to Machine-Knit Garments


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This supplementary material provides some implementation details as well as additional results and comparisons that would not fit in the main document. The first few sections cover additional technical aspects. Sec. 1 describes our validity checks and the user feedback we provide. Sec. 2 introduces the additional notion of curvature as well as a measure of time stretch. Sec. 3 describes our topological opening procedure between the time and region computations. Sec. 4 provides additional details about the graph computations including the user threshold ∆tmin for making a typical region graph more ideal. Sec. 5 details the implementation of our stitch sampling optimizations. Sec. 6 presents our geodesic distance computation, and the acceleration scheme we use to make it computationally affordable. Sec. 7 describes the issue of alignment underlying our stitch graph sampling strategy. Sec. 8 goes over the additional layout representations we use to allow mixed flat/tubular scheduling. The second part discusses scalability and controlability within our system. Sec. 9 goes over the complexity of our results, their corresponding runtimes, and further provides convergence insights. Sec. 10 describes different aspects of the garment finish and provides visual comparisons showcasing lower-level user controls. The remaining of the document focuses on providing additional results in larger sizes to allow proper inspection and interpretation. It starts with detailed views of each of our results including the inputs and intermediate visualizations, as well as user stitch programs. It ends by showing the evolution of some of the results illustrating their iterative nature, which our system enables.
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