Physical Implementability of Quantum Maps and Its Application in Error Mitigation


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Completely positive and trace-preserving maps characterize physically implementable quantum operations. On the other hand, general quantum maps, such as positive but not completely positive maps, which can not be physically implemented, are fundamental ingredients in quantum information, both in theoretical and practical perspectives. It motivates how well one can approximate a general quantum map by physically implementable operations. In this work, we introduce a systematic framework to resolve this task using the quasiprobability decomposition technique. More specifically, we decompose a target quantum map into a linear combination of physically implementable operations and introduce the physical implementability measure as the least amount of negative portion that the quasiprobability must pertain. We show this measure is efficiently computable by semidefinite programs and prove several properties of this measure, such as faithfulness, additivity, and unitary invariance. We derive lower and upper bounds in terms of the Choi operator’s trace norm and obtain analytic expressions for several quantum maps of practical interests. Furthermore, we endow this measure an operational meaning within the quantum error mitigation scenario, quantifying the ultimate sampling cost achievable using the full expressibility of quantum computers. In particular, for parallel quantum noises, we show that global error mitigation has no advantage over local error mitigation.
quantum maps,physical implementability,error mitigation
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