Certified Program Models for Eventual Consistency


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We present a new approach, certified program models, to establish correctness of distributed protocols. We propose modeling protocols as programs in standard languages like C, where the program simulates the processes in the distributed system as well as the nondeterminism, the communication, the delays, the failures, and the concurrency in the system. The program model allows us to test the protocol as well as to verify it against correctness properties using program verification techniques. The highly automated testing and verification engines in software verification give us the tools needed to establish correctness. Furthermore, the model allows us to easily alter or make new design decisions, while testing and verifying them. We carry out the above methodology for the distributed key-value store protocols underlying widely used frameworks such as Dynamo [30], Riak [2] and Cassandra [4]. We model the read-repair and hinted-handoff table based recovery protocols as concurrent C programs, test them for conformance with real systems, and then verify that they guarantee eventual consistency, modeling precisely the specification as well as the failure assumptions under which the results hold. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first verification technique that shows correctness of these distributed protocols using mostly-automated verification.
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