Prototype for Integration of Face Mask Detection and Person Identification Model – COVID-19

2020 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)(2020)

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As people across the globe are combating the widespread COVID-19 pandemic and it becomes very essential to develop new technologies to analyse and fight against the disease spread. The most essential protection against corona virus is Face Mask and as the day surpasses scientist and Doctors have recommended everyone to wear the mask. Therefore, to distinguish the individuals wearing Face Mask, various identification procedures are available. Veils are prescribed as a straightforward obstruction to protect the respiratory beads from going into the air and onto others, when the individual is found to be wearing the cover hacks, wheezes, talks, or raises their voice. Moreover, this is called source control. This proposal depends on the present idea about the job respiratory beads that play a main role in the spread of the COVID-19 infection, matched with developing proof from clinical and research center examinations that show covers and decrease the splash of drops, when worn over the nose and mouth. Coronavirus spreads essentially among individuals who are in close contact with each other (inside around 6 feet), so the utilization of veils is especially significant in settings where individuals are near one another or where social removing is hard to keep up. CDC's suggestions for masks will be updated as new logical proof. Our project is more of a real-world application, the proposed face mask detection platform utilizes artificial network to identify the person with and without mask. If a person is not wearing a mask, then the proposed platform will send a notification to the person if he or she is in the database of the platform. MobileNet_V2 neural networks are used as our classification algorithm and the face recognition module is also used for the person identification model
CDC,prediction,MobileNet_V2,Face recognition,artificial neural networks,ROI
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